A good mood is the key to active longevity!
Each of us has heard that phrase as a child: "grouchy as an old man". And indeed, frowning, grumpiness, negative views on life and people around are very typical for the elderly. We look at them and confidently say to ourselves, "I definitely won't be like that." However, older people at one time thought the same thing. Why does this happen? How can we avoid it? And most importantly, is it possible to reverse the process and return the joy of life and good mood to our elderly loved ones?
Why does one's mood "deteriorate" with age?
"Old age is not fun" is another saying that everyone knows. Yes, it’s not ok to be aware of the gradually accumulating diseases, the fading physical activity, the natural traces of aging in the appearance. It’s worth noting that the problem of aging is not only psychological, but also purely physiological: after 25 years the aging process starts — the level of inflammatory processes increases, increasing the consequences of oxidative stress and cell mutation, neurodegenerative processes start, the neurons responsible for mental activity, mental function and social adaptation are gradually dying. All these changes, as well as deterioration of physical condition can not but affect the psycho-emotional state, it deteriorates.
Clinically, that’s manifested by asthenic symptoms, characterized by a decrease in work capacity, sleep disorders, emotional instability, and impaired attention and memory. Changes in the emotional sphere of the person are especially demonstrative, mood swings become more frequent, and periods of a bad mood become more pronounced and prolonged. For example, the prevalence of depression at older ages is 2-3 times higher than at younger ages. Among people over 60, the frequency of depression is 15-20%, and among the elderly with long-term therapeutic and neurological illnesses (and their frequency, unfortunately, is also increasing) reaches 40-60%.
As a result, any stresses and problematic situations easily lead to destabilization of the emotional state, bad moods, irritability and, as a consequence, a decrease in the quality of life. And in extreme cases, it can also lead to suicide.
Lithium is something everyone needs
So far, people aren’t able to stop the aging process, but it is possible to normalize the nervous system even in old age! Scientists have found that the trace element lithium is beneficial to the nervous system and emotional background, increases stress resistance, improves mood, and makes the emotional state stable. In particular, one of the mineral water sources in Tuscany, where the water has an unusually high concentration of lithium, is very popular among tourists for its amazing effect: after bathing in it the mood increases. And Canadian scientists have found that the presence of lithium in tap water increases the life expectancy of people who use it! Later, the same group of scientists proved that increasing the concentration of lithium in water can serve as an effective prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
It’s important to note that lithium is not only a natural normothymic, it’s a mood stabilizer.
In addition, this trace element:
- protects cells in the nervous system from aging;
- contributes to the regeneration of the brain, its neurons and blood vessels;
- improves cognitive functions, including memory and thinking;
- reduces the likelihood of senile dementia;
- normalizes sleep;
- has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, reducing its fragility and the likelihood of fractures.
How do I provide my body with lithium?
It’s believed that the natural source of lithium is food and drinking water. However, we have to admit: the amount of lithium in modern food is sometimes too low to meet the body's needs for this substance. Drinking water also contains little or no lithium, the culprit being the careful treatment of tap and bottled water to remove impurities.
Therefore, experts strongly recommend not relying on the contents of your plate and cup and supplement your diet with prophylactic doses of lithium, especially, at an advanced age. A convenient way to compensate the lack of lithium in the body would be to take a specially designed vitamin and mineral complex Normotim, which contains lithium in the dosage the body needs, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C. A unique patented manufacturing process ensures high bioavailability of all its active ingredients. Normotim is sold at the pharmacies without prescription
Old age is not a reason to be dissatisfied with life and grumpy grumbling. Yes, the years take their toll, but the achievements of modern science are quite capable of minimizing the discomfort associated with the aging process.
Why does one's mood "deteriorate" with age?
"Old age is not fun" is another saying that everyone knows. Yes, it’s not ok to be aware of the gradually accumulating diseases, the fading physical activity, the natural traces of aging in the appearance. It’s worth noting that the problem of aging is not only psychological, but also purely physiological: after 25 years the aging process starts — the level of inflammatory processes increases, increasing the consequences of oxidative stress and cell mutation, neurodegenerative processes start, the neurons responsible for mental activity, mental function and social adaptation are gradually dying. All these changes, as well as deterioration of physical condition can not but affect the psycho-emotional state, it deteriorates.
Clinically, that’s manifested by asthenic symptoms, characterized by a decrease in work capacity, sleep disorders, emotional instability, and impaired attention and memory. Changes in the emotional sphere of the person are especially demonstrative, mood swings become more frequent, and periods of a bad mood become more pronounced and prolonged. For example, the prevalence of depression at older ages is 2-3 times higher than at younger ages. Among people over 60, the frequency of depression is 15-20%, and among the elderly with long-term therapeutic and neurological illnesses (and their frequency, unfortunately, is also increasing) reaches 40-60%.
As a result, any stresses and problematic situations easily lead to destabilization of the emotional state, bad moods, irritability and, as a consequence, a decrease in the quality of life. And in extreme cases, it can also lead to suicide.
Lithium is something everyone needs
So far, people aren’t able to stop the aging process, but it is possible to normalize the nervous system even in old age! Scientists have found that the trace element lithium is beneficial to the nervous system and emotional background, increases stress resistance, improves mood, and makes the emotional state stable. In particular, one of the mineral water sources in Tuscany, where the water has an unusually high concentration of lithium, is very popular among tourists for its amazing effect: after bathing in it the mood increases. And Canadian scientists have found that the presence of lithium in tap water increases the life expectancy of people who use it! Later, the same group of scientists proved that increasing the concentration of lithium in water can serve as an effective prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
It’s important to note that lithium is not only a natural normothymic, it’s a mood stabilizer.
In addition, this trace element:
- protects cells in the nervous system from aging;
- contributes to the regeneration of the brain, its neurons and blood vessels;
- improves cognitive functions, including memory and thinking;
- reduces the likelihood of senile dementia;
- normalizes sleep;
- has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, reducing its fragility and the likelihood of fractures.
How do I provide my body with lithium?
It’s believed that the natural source of lithium is food and drinking water. However, we have to admit: the amount of lithium in modern food is sometimes too low to meet the body's needs for this substance. Drinking water also contains little or no lithium, the culprit being the careful treatment of tap and bottled water to remove impurities.
Therefore, experts strongly recommend not relying on the contents of your plate and cup and supplement your diet with prophylactic doses of lithium, especially, at an advanced age. A convenient way to compensate the lack of lithium in the body would be to take a specially designed vitamin and mineral complex Normotim, which contains lithium in the dosage the body needs, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C. A unique patented manufacturing process ensures high bioavailability of all its active ingredients. Normotim is sold at the pharmacies without prescription
Old age is not a reason to be dissatisfied with life and grumpy grumbling. Yes, the years take their toll, but the achievements of modern science are quite capable of minimizing the discomfort associated with the aging process.