How do you cope with nicotine addiction?
Most people who smoke occasionally give themselves the attitude that at the "Moment X" they will quit smoking. Everyone has his own reasons, there are very strong (direct prohibition of doctors), there are less categorical. And everyone, at the moment of making such a decision, is sure that he or she has enough willpower to do what he or she wants to do. All the more, there are a lot of aids invented, as well as various methods. And many people quit smoking. However, after a while they give up. Mark Twain said the following about smoking: "Quitting smoking is very easy. I've done it thousands of times!"
Medical scientists conducted research in which it was found that taking such a micronutrient as lithium can help get rid of nicotine addiction.
Physiological and psychological addiction to nicotine
Physiological or chemical addiction is caused by the capacity of nicotine to be absorbed by the bloodstream quickly and within seconds to reach the brain where it acts on sensitive receptors, triggering a release of adrenaline and mimicking the effects of dopamine — the "hormone of encouragement" or "pleasure hormone".
Dopamine is the main hormone of the brain's "reward system”. When its blood levels are normalized, the brain tells the human subconscious: "You did great!" As a result, a person has an increase in performance and thought activity, combined with an improvement in mood and a feeling of calmness and relaxation. It is worth specifying that nicotine quickly begins to be broken down in the liver and a brief "euphoria" is replaced by a decrease in mood and signals to the brain to take a new dose to stabilize the condition. The body quickly becomes accustomed to nicotine and a steady increase in the dose is required for tangible stimulation. If it is not enough, or not at all, there is the so-called "nicotine withdrawal", which is characterized by difficulties with concentration, irritability, anxiety, mood disorders, weakness, malaise, sleep disorders. When a person gives up cigarettes, physiological withdrawal peaks on the third or fourth day, after which there is a decline and its symptoms eventually diminish and pass.
So why doesn't everyone quit smoking?
That's easy! Here the psychological dependence — compulsive desire to smoke again, especially in heavy, stressful situations comes into action. Unlike physiological addiction, it does not go away by itself, and a breakdown can occur even after many years.
Lithium to help with smoking cessation
To make the process of quitting smoking easier, faster and without breakdowns, the body needs help. Lithium ascorbate, an innovative salt of lithium with outstanding safety and effectiveness, can provide such support. It is important to note that lithium ascorbate helps to resist both physiological and psychological addictions.
When applied to physiological dependence, lithium helps reduce the need for nicotine and alleviates the symptoms of physiological withdrawal from smoking. It’s so because nicotine can bind to acetylcholine receptors in the brain, it essentially substitutes for endogenous neurotransmitters that regulate brain blood flow.
After 2-3 weeks of regular smoking the body begins to understand that nicotine is "sort of" better than your own acetylcholine, that there is no need to strain and produce it, since nicotine regularly comes from outside. And the readjustment begins: the number of acetylcholine receptors and their structure change, the body begins to produce less substances that regulate the production of adrenaline and dopamine. Lithium ascorbate increases the production of dopamine, increases the level of dopamine in the blood and in the brain, reduces both the direct craving for smoking and the symptoms of smoking cessation.
Lithium also gently modulates oxytocin production, which facilitates nicotine withdrawal. Recall that oxytocin is a companion hormone to dopamine, giving a feeling of satisfaction, security, rewarding people with joy and euphoria.
As for helping to overcome psychological dependence on smoking, lithium is a normothymic. It helps to stabilize the emotional background and make mood better, as well as increases stress tolerance and improves cognitive functions. Taking lithium levels out the preconditions for returning to smoking in stressful situations or in case of increased emotional stress.
Therefore, if you decide to quit smoking, pay attention to Normotim. Normotim contains a special dose of lithium ascorbate to help you overcome nicotine addiction, as well as to increase emotional stability in stressful situations and in conditions of high nervous tension. decided to quit smoking, pay attention to Normotim. Normotim contains a special dose of lithium ascorbate to help you overcome nicotine addiction, as well as to increase emotional stability in stressful situations and in conditions of high nervous tension.
Medical scientists conducted research in which it was found that taking such a micronutrient as lithium can help get rid of nicotine addiction.
Physiological and psychological addiction to nicotine
Physiological or chemical addiction is caused by the capacity of nicotine to be absorbed by the bloodstream quickly and within seconds to reach the brain where it acts on sensitive receptors, triggering a release of adrenaline and mimicking the effects of dopamine — the "hormone of encouragement" or "pleasure hormone".
Dopamine is the main hormone of the brain's "reward system”. When its blood levels are normalized, the brain tells the human subconscious: "You did great!" As a result, a person has an increase in performance and thought activity, combined with an improvement in mood and a feeling of calmness and relaxation. It is worth specifying that nicotine quickly begins to be broken down in the liver and a brief "euphoria" is replaced by a decrease in mood and signals to the brain to take a new dose to stabilize the condition. The body quickly becomes accustomed to nicotine and a steady increase in the dose is required for tangible stimulation. If it is not enough, or not at all, there is the so-called "nicotine withdrawal", which is characterized by difficulties with concentration, irritability, anxiety, mood disorders, weakness, malaise, sleep disorders. When a person gives up cigarettes, physiological withdrawal peaks on the third or fourth day, after which there is a decline and its symptoms eventually diminish and pass.
So why doesn't everyone quit smoking?
That's easy! Here the psychological dependence — compulsive desire to smoke again, especially in heavy, stressful situations comes into action. Unlike physiological addiction, it does not go away by itself, and a breakdown can occur even after many years.
Lithium to help with smoking cessation
To make the process of quitting smoking easier, faster and without breakdowns, the body needs help. Lithium ascorbate, an innovative salt of lithium with outstanding safety and effectiveness, can provide such support. It is important to note that lithium ascorbate helps to resist both physiological and psychological addictions.
When applied to physiological dependence, lithium helps reduce the need for nicotine and alleviates the symptoms of physiological withdrawal from smoking. It’s so because nicotine can bind to acetylcholine receptors in the brain, it essentially substitutes for endogenous neurotransmitters that regulate brain blood flow.
After 2-3 weeks of regular smoking the body begins to understand that nicotine is "sort of" better than your own acetylcholine, that there is no need to strain and produce it, since nicotine regularly comes from outside. And the readjustment begins: the number of acetylcholine receptors and their structure change, the body begins to produce less substances that regulate the production of adrenaline and dopamine. Lithium ascorbate increases the production of dopamine, increases the level of dopamine in the blood and in the brain, reduces both the direct craving for smoking and the symptoms of smoking cessation.
Lithium also gently modulates oxytocin production, which facilitates nicotine withdrawal. Recall that oxytocin is a companion hormone to dopamine, giving a feeling of satisfaction, security, rewarding people with joy and euphoria.
As for helping to overcome psychological dependence on smoking, lithium is a normothymic. It helps to stabilize the emotional background and make mood better, as well as increases stress tolerance and improves cognitive functions. Taking lithium levels out the preconditions for returning to smoking in stressful situations or in case of increased emotional stress.
Therefore, if you decide to quit smoking, pay attention to Normotim. Normotim contains a special dose of lithium ascorbate to help you overcome nicotine addiction, as well as to increase emotional stability in stressful situations and in conditions of high nervous tension. decided to quit smoking, pay attention to Normotim. Normotim contains a special dose of lithium ascorbate to help you overcome nicotine addiction, as well as to increase emotional stability in stressful situations and in conditions of high nervous tension.