Why do we binge on stress?
One of the common problems of our time is stress. Stress doesn't care about our gender, age, income, social status or place of residence. Nearly 70% of mega-city dwellers face stress because of a number of problems related to work, family, loneliness, dissatisfaction with their financial situation or appearance.
There is no universal way to deal with stress because we are all different. What works for one will not work for another, and vice versa will cause more discomfort. Some give preference to constructive ways: sports, yoga, dancing, walks in nature or reading books. Others resort to destructive ways: alcohol, tobacco, and food. We shouldn't be surprised, food really can have a destructive effect on our bodies and lead to even more problems. A large percentage of people, when faced with a stressful or unpleasant situation, resort to food, especially sweets, to improve their emotional state.
"Food relieves stress" is a mindset that has been embedded in our brains since infancy. When a baby cries, his mother either cradles him or gives him a breast, with which the baby gets contact with his most intimate person. A baby can be cranky for many different reasons. However, the mother almost always has one solution — milk. Consequently, from the very first days of life, there is a subconscious connection: food = attention, love, pleasure, safety. That is, food is one of the elements of contact with the loving, protective world, the center of which for the child (at least until the age of two) is the mother.
Thereafter, all the stages of growing up and socialization are inextricably linked with the "encouragement" of food. How often as a child did you hear from your parents phrases like: "If you behave well, you'll get sweets", "Bring me an A on the test and I'll bake you a cake". And, of course, cake or cakes for every birthday.
Food is used as encouragement from an early age, but it continues into adulthood. After receiving a bonus or promotion at work, we go to a restaurant or set the table at home. After all, we really do deserve a good meal! However, in fact, we just get into a stressful situation, even if it's positive.
When we’re facing stress, our blood level of the hormone cortisol rises, which makes us feel hungry. And we begin to binge on stress. Most often, with sweets — also called “fast carbohydrates”. In psychology, that’s called an eating disorder.
Let's imagine your condition at any unpleasant moment. There’s a feeling of anger, dissatisfaction, irritation, emptiness... However, if you eat something delicious, especially sweet and high-carbohydrate, the problem immediately goes into the background. In fact, a sense of joy and peace of mind returns. This effect is short-lived... After a while, we’ll want to eat delicious things again.
Thus we get into a vicious circle, which is worth breaking. After all, sooner or later we may encounter a new problem, which is also reinforced stress — with excess weight gain.
Trap again! New stress and again food as a stress neutralizer. Of course, many people try to break this cycle with diets and the gym. They turn to google, "How do I stop eating stress and loneliness?" Only a few reach their goal. Why? A common cause of breakdowns is limiting oneself to food, because it is perceived not as "fuel" for the body, but as the main source of pleasure.
And how do you stop coping with stress, loneliness or bad moods with food?
According to experts, the fight against stress should be comprehensive. And, first of all, it is important to stabilize the psycho-emotional state.
How to stop eating while being stressed? How to get rid of that addiction?
Most people find it difficult to cope with stress and the habit of eating it on their own. And here to help can come substances that contribute to the normalization of the emotional background, reducing the level of depression and anxiety. In particular, the trace element lithium has a proven normotensive effect.
Lithium salts have been used in psychiatry for more than forty years in the treatment of bipolar disorder and significantly reduce symptoms of manic-depressive states. Therefore, studies of this trace element continue around the world. The result of such research was the development of a new salt of lithium — lithium ascorbate. It has better indicators of safety and effectiveness. On the basis of lithium ascorbate was created a special vitamin and mineral complex Normotim.
Normotim is a complex drug, which in addition to lithium ascorbate, includes vitamins B1, B6 and C. Together they provide a powerful anti-stress effect, and also help to effectively cope with psycho-emotional stress, relieve anxiety and emotional tension and improve mood. This is confirmed not only by clinical trials, but also with positive feedback from customers. Moreover, unlike antidepressant drugs, Normotim is sold without a prescription.
There is no universal way to deal with stress because we are all different. What works for one will not work for another, and vice versa will cause more discomfort. Some give preference to constructive ways: sports, yoga, dancing, walks in nature or reading books. Others resort to destructive ways: alcohol, tobacco, and food. We shouldn't be surprised, food really can have a destructive effect on our bodies and lead to even more problems. A large percentage of people, when faced with a stressful or unpleasant situation, resort to food, especially sweets, to improve their emotional state.
"Food relieves stress" is a mindset that has been embedded in our brains since infancy. When a baby cries, his mother either cradles him or gives him a breast, with which the baby gets contact with his most intimate person. A baby can be cranky for many different reasons. However, the mother almost always has one solution — milk. Consequently, from the very first days of life, there is a subconscious connection: food = attention, love, pleasure, safety. That is, food is one of the elements of contact with the loving, protective world, the center of which for the child (at least until the age of two) is the mother.
Thereafter, all the stages of growing up and socialization are inextricably linked with the "encouragement" of food. How often as a child did you hear from your parents phrases like: "If you behave well, you'll get sweets", "Bring me an A on the test and I'll bake you a cake". And, of course, cake or cakes for every birthday.
Food is used as encouragement from an early age, but it continues into adulthood. After receiving a bonus or promotion at work, we go to a restaurant or set the table at home. After all, we really do deserve a good meal! However, in fact, we just get into a stressful situation, even if it's positive.
When we’re facing stress, our blood level of the hormone cortisol rises, which makes us feel hungry. And we begin to binge on stress. Most often, with sweets — also called “fast carbohydrates”. In psychology, that’s called an eating disorder.
Let's imagine your condition at any unpleasant moment. There’s a feeling of anger, dissatisfaction, irritation, emptiness... However, if you eat something delicious, especially sweet and high-carbohydrate, the problem immediately goes into the background. In fact, a sense of joy and peace of mind returns. This effect is short-lived... After a while, we’ll want to eat delicious things again.
Thus we get into a vicious circle, which is worth breaking. After all, sooner or later we may encounter a new problem, which is also reinforced stress — with excess weight gain.
Trap again! New stress and again food as a stress neutralizer. Of course, many people try to break this cycle with diets and the gym. They turn to google, "How do I stop eating stress and loneliness?" Only a few reach their goal. Why? A common cause of breakdowns is limiting oneself to food, because it is perceived not as "fuel" for the body, but as the main source of pleasure.
And how do you stop coping with stress, loneliness or bad moods with food?
According to experts, the fight against stress should be comprehensive. And, first of all, it is important to stabilize the psycho-emotional state.
How to stop eating while being stressed? How to get rid of that addiction?
Most people find it difficult to cope with stress and the habit of eating it on their own. And here to help can come substances that contribute to the normalization of the emotional background, reducing the level of depression and anxiety. In particular, the trace element lithium has a proven normotensive effect.
Lithium salts have been used in psychiatry for more than forty years in the treatment of bipolar disorder and significantly reduce symptoms of manic-depressive states. Therefore, studies of this trace element continue around the world. The result of such research was the development of a new salt of lithium — lithium ascorbate. It has better indicators of safety and effectiveness. On the basis of lithium ascorbate was created a special vitamin and mineral complex Normotim.
Normotim is a complex drug, which in addition to lithium ascorbate, includes vitamins B1, B6 and C. Together they provide a powerful anti-stress effect, and also help to effectively cope with psycho-emotional stress, relieve anxiety and emotional tension and improve mood. This is confirmed not only by clinical trials, but also with positive feedback from customers. Moreover, unlike antidepressant drugs, Normotim is sold without a prescription.